Love Hurts
Love hurts. Stories make it better.

#139: Olivia Levine - Intrusive Thoughts

This is Love Hurts. Olivia Levine is an actor and comedian living in Brooklyn. While Olivia had OCD tendencies from a young age, she didn’t get formally diagnosed until college partially because of an obsession with a crush. Olivia talks to me about navigating OCD in romantic relationships and finding the right personality dynamics for a successful partnership. 

Olivia is doing her solo show about her relationship with OCD at Caveat on October 5th. Get tickets here!

Our theme song is EmoTown by Mikki Hommel. Follow Love Hurts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and rate and review it on Apple Podcasts!

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Love Hurts is a podcast hosted by Bryan Berlin that celebrates the messiness of relationships, whether with family, friends, partners, faith, or themselves. Each episode features a new guest sharing their struggle with love.